Monday, November 22, 2010

FlashWOD recap: Saturday 11/20 at the Washington Monument

This past saturday the FlashWOD was at the Washington Monument. During my last couple of FlashWODs I realized that doing the workouts in places in busy places led to more exposure.  And exposure means more people joining the FlashWOD - and that's a good thing!


Complete 4 rounds for time of the following:

5 Handstand pushups (HSPU)
10 Burpees
15 Overhead Walking Lunges (25/35 # sandbag)
20 Box jumps
1 loop (from the Monument to the World War II memorial and back; 0.61 miles)

The crowd at the Monument was crazy - the perfect weather drew them out.  The tourists were loving the workout. We're going to be in so many picture albums!

Typically the WODs have been short, but with the perfect weather and the early start I knew that we could push it.  The sandbags were a little light, so I went with single arm OH carry for the lunges. The run, however was kicking my butt.  I sprinted as much as I could instead of opting for a more relaxed pace, which meant that I had to take more time to recover.


Dave 34
Luis 34:28
Probir 34:40
Emily 36:30
Cristyn 36:54
Graham 41:30

And of course, one awesome photo!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11/3 FlashWOD report

FlashWOD report:

It was another beautiful night. Freedom Plaza looks right down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol Building. The challenging part of the box jump was to not fall into the fountain. Luckily no one did.  
The step height was about 20" but the last 3 rounds I went to the end where the height was about 36". 
Great WOD.

Graham - 8 rounds 
Kristin - 7 rounds
Steven - 6 rounds

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Next FlashWOD: Wed, 11/3 at 5:30 p.m @ Freedom Plaza.

Meet at Freedom Plaza ( - on the 14th Street side at 5:30.

WOD is 20 minute AMRAP of 10 burpee box jumps, 20 walking lunges, 30 mountain climbers.

Spread the word - the more the merrier.